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BOF 9/3/13 Minutes
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741

                                     BOF      MINUTES
                                    REGULAR MEETING
                             SEPTEMBER 3, 2013  7:00 P.M.
                        First Floor Conference Room Town Hall

BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay, Chairman                   
  Brad Thorpe, V. Chairman
  Barry O’Nell
  Derrik Kennedy
         Tom Stevenson
        John O’Brien
         Breck Lindley

        In Attendance
         Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
        Bob Fish, Treasurer
        Michael Spera, Chief of Police
        Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Mr. LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. LaMay led in the pledge.

  • PUBLIC COMMENT   -    None
  • APPROVAL OF MINUTES  8/06/13 Mtg.
Mr. LaMay asked for a motion to approve the minutes.  

A Motion to approve the August 6, 2013 minutes was made by Mr. Kennedy and seconded by Mr. Stevenson.  Mr. O’Nell abstained.  Motion passed: 6-0-1


A motion made by Mr. O’Nell that the Board of Finance seek a legal opinion, other than from town council, on the legality/authority of the Board of Selectman to reallocate funds approved by the Board of Finance and the public at town referendum to be expended for the purchase of capital equipment, and use it as an initial payment on a 4 year lease/purchase arrangement without the Board of Finance and Town meeting approval and seconded by Mr. O’Brien.
Discussion: Mr. O’Nell, very concerned, noted that it was a matter of procedure.  He found it problematic that this was not approved during budget deliberations.  Mr. O’Nell noted that it was one thing if it was approved during the budget process, but it was not.  He noted that the problem, again, is with the “process.”  Mr. O’Brien agreed.  Mr. LaMay asked what it would cost to get a legal opinion.  He asked if it was in the Board of Finance budget.  Mr. Fortuna noted that the town has a legal line item.  He will get a second legal opinion for the Board of Selectmen entering into a contract based on appropriations for a 4 year financing agreement with First Niagara.  Mr. Fortuna said that he would work with Mr. O’Nell.

Mr. O’Nell decided to withdraw the motion.  Mr. O’Brien withdrew his second.  

Mr. Stevenson asked if there was ever a vote after leasing information was brought to the Board of Finance.  

Mr. Fish reported on his general fund operating budgets for the new fiscal year ending August 31, 2013.  He noted that revenues and expenditures were on target.

Mr. Kennedy inquired about contingency funds.  Mr. Fortuna noted that money is being used for heart and hypertension claims and it will definitely go over this year.  The Catastrophic Reserve is 95% depleted as well.  Mr. Fortuna noted that we are now making weekly payments on the last of the claims.

Mr. LaMay inquired about Environmental Health…Mr. Fortuna noted that was CRAHD and that is paid twice per year.  

Mr. O’Brien inquired about the Capital Outlay Sinking Fund and asked for a list of those accounts and the money that goes into them.

Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Fish.

Ms. Carver reported on the following:
  • Working with Ms. Vinceguerra on Annual Report to printer;
  • Working with Bob Fish and auditors;
  • Working with Mark Chapman, Financial Advisor for official statement for a bond issuance;
  • Will be meeting with accounting staff re efficiency;
Mr. O’Brien asked for an approved copy of the first 4 pages of the budget.  He also inquired if there was a copy in the Acton Library.

Mr. Fortuna reported on the following:
  • Leaks in roof at Library ($6K);
  • Park & Rec leak ($15K) will be put out to bid;
  • Installing gas line to Youth & Family Services; possible put out to bid as well;
  • Sea Walls work starting very soon by Schumack Construction;
  • Max’s Place; starting to clear;
  • Tractor Supply clearing;
  • North Main Street; DOT additional parking spaces;
  • Saybrooke Village West; Senior Housing will be breaking ground soon;
  • Mini golf grand opening 9/14/13;
  • Mr. Stevenson inquired re lights in Gardner Park;
  • OSPD building;
  • Will have draft resolutions for next meeting on OSPD Building; Middle School Projects;
  • Work plan for Schools: Middle School Roof; Goodwin School Windows; other school projects;
  • BOE projects total approximately 4.5 million;
  • BOE willing to contribute $425K from capital budget;
Mr. LaMay inquired about the revenue Max’s Place and Tractor Supply would bring.  It was noted that they would bring approximately $250K.  Mr. LaMay inquired about North Main Street.  There is no site plan yet.  Mr. Thorpe brought up the ladder truck for the fire department.  Mr. Fortuna noted that they were looking at $600K. Mr. Fortuna read the debt amortization schedule and noted that there were bonds due to come off: 2012-2013 – 2.449 Million
                         2013-2014 – 2.172 Million
                         2014-2015 – 2.103 Million
Mr. Fortuna told the BOF that he will circulate the resolutions and that he would like the Board to move 2 questions to town meeting about bonding.  Ms. Lindley inquired about the next 5 years debt service.  It was noted that the Financial Advisor, Mr. Chapman will do this and make a presentation to the BOF.

Mr. O’Brien inquired of the cost of the turf field.  The cost: 1.3 million.
  • Ferry Road Dock; the piers and T dock are still being worked on;
  • Bokum Road trains: Trains being driven out to Chicago;
  • Car dealership: Deal closing in October;
  • Middlesex Community College: rent space in January; where??
  • Sidewalk Plan: Max Place
Mr. LaMay thanked everyone.  

This meeting in its entirety was recorded and on CD in the Town Clerk’s Office.

X.  COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR – Mr. LaMay thanked everyone and noted that the next meeting will take place at The Middle School Library.
Mr. O’Nell reported that he went to the WPCA meeting and asked for a schedule.  Mr. Fortuna will call Jeff Jacobsen for a contact.

A Motion to adjourn at 8:37 p.m. was made by Mr. Kennedy and seconded by Mr. Thorpe and was so voted unanimously.


Gerri Lewis, Clerk